Natural voice reproduction is the supreme discipline in loudspeaker design. One particular challenge lies in the detailed reproduction of rapid impulses. Since our beginnings, we have relied on ribbon systems to master this task. In simple terms, a ribbon is a wafer-thin foil membrane that produces sound through its vibration. The originality lies in its combination with strong magnets, transforming it into the actual driver. The membranes are caused to vibrate evenly over the entire surface and can thus be kept extremely light. The lighter the membrane, the more precision.
The ribbons of the Master loudspeakers are designed with a linear source, the sound waves radiating along a straight line and spreading cylindrically into the room without bouncing off the ceiling or the floor. For the Master Line Source 3, we have arrayed as many as four ribbons vertically to form a genuine line. Four ribbons, four times more passion!
The result: unparalleled accuracy that impresses even the most sensitive ears.

Gabriel Meyer is a classical pianist and hi-fi enthusiast from Switzerland. Being a professional musician, he has dedicated his life to music and audio quality. In this video, he talks about his personal experience with the Master Line Source 3.
RECOMMENDED AMPLIFIER OUTPUT20 - 500 wattSENSITIVITY92 db/W/mIMPEDANCE4 ohmsFREQUENCY RANGE28 Hz - 50 kHzDIMENSIONSH 165 x W 23 x D 33 cmWEIGHT65 kgDESIGN PRINCIPLEDipole 3-way system with acoustic lensEQUIPMENT4 x Line Source Drivers, 111 2 x 18 cm UHQD basses, 2 x 18 cm UHQD passive radiatorsCONNECTIONSBi-Wiring/PIEGA multi-connectorsVERSIONSBaffle in silver anodised aluminium, cabinet painted silver, speaker cover silver. Baffle in black anodised aluminium, cabinet painted high-gloss black, speaker cover black. Baffle in white, cabinet painted high-gloss white, speaker cover white or black. Baffle in black anodised aluminium, cabinet in Zebrano matt veneer speaker cover black. Special design variants upon request.
Master Series
Our Master Line Source models are milestones in loudspeaker construction. After extensive research, calculations and many sleepless nights, we have been able to combine the worldwide uniqueness of our line source ribbon system into dipole speaker.