Anyone who knows our long-standing head of development, Kurt Scheuch, knows that he can neither rest on his laurels nor banish any exciting inspirations to the bottom drawer. When developing this high-end loudspeaker, the concept model for the so-called Line Source arose. These models enables all frequencies to be radiated as a coherent cylinder sound wave – a principle for which the ribbon technology is ideally suited. No sooner thought than done. After many years of work and considerable development effort, the first Master Line Source loudspeaker was completed in 2013. A loudspeaker with absolute sound fidelity without limits. A perfectly synchronized festival for all the senses – or in other words: supreme musical authenticity.

The Line Source ribbons are designed with a linear source. This enables several of these ribbon-systems to be cascaded in line vertically in the loudspeaker to form a genuine line source. The Line source drivers are also designed as dipoles and thus enable a unique enables a unique authenticity in the sound reproduction.
The Master Line Source and the somewhat smaller Master Line Source 2 and 3 have a unique design and are hand crafted down to the smallest detail. The building of a Master loudspeaker requires up to two weeks of unimanagebly careful manual work. This is followed by proper testing and Sound tuning before the loudspeaker can leave our production.